2012. július 10., kedd

Helia D- The Wonders of Sunflower Extract :)

Here is the link to Helia D's website:


and another link to a handy and informative website about these products: http://www.helia-d.org/

Well, where should I start, the packaging first I suppose.  I know they say not to judge a book by its cover, but in many cases it is necessary for the outside to look just as good as what is inside :) and that is definitely the case with Helia D products.  The packaging is gorgeous, just seeing the box of my facial cream makes me feel extravagant and so classy :).  Black is the colour of most of the packaging of Helia D products, and it is definitely a shade known for making things look elegant.

I am currently using the Classic Moisturising Night Cream which is for all skin types and contains shea butter and vitamin E.  I have to say that I am far from disappointed, this is an excellent product.  I have mentioned in a previous post that my skin breaks out very easily, an that I have slightly oily, acne-prone skin, and this has prevented me from using any moisturising creams even when my skin needed some tlc, because I was worried that any moisturising cream would only make things worse.  This has changed now that I am no longer a teenager, and now that I am in my 20s my skin has started becoming much more cooperative :).

Helia D products are slowly becoming those which I absolutely adore and can recommend for you to try out if you are looking for something new and unique.  And it also turns out the the Night Cream works wonders on preventing peeling of the skin after a sun burn (on the face, neck and chest of course).

I've also heard feedback from other products as well, which I have yet to try, though I will eventually.  The hand a body lotions are a dream, though there is one product that I unfortunately could not recommend, and that is their facial wipes...  It's not just my opinion, but my mother's as well, but the facial wipes are very rough...  So not so pleasant on the skin, especially for those who have blackheads as excessive rubbing can cause them to get infected and then erupt into redness :S...

I also purchased, as mentioned in an earlier post, the Helia D nourishing and cleansing facial milk (which removes make-up! :D).  It is for dry skin, but that didn't stop me as the winter gives me plenty of that!  So I will be writing a review on that in the coming months as well.

I also found out a small tidbit of information regarding the product line from a friend.  Helia D is what you could call a true retro survivor, it had its heyday in that past, let's say around the 70s... maybe, it was a very popular product back then, and now it seems to be re-living that heyday as people of my generation are starting to show a new interest in their products, especially in Hungary, after all, it is a domestic brand :) and it works!

If you can get your hands on this line of products, do not hesitate to buy them!  They are AFFORDABLE!  Not the most expensive, but not the cheapest either, they are just like that expression the "golden middle" or "az arany középút" which I firmly believe in :)!

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